Research laboratory

PARTICLEVER technologies help you verify absence of particle exposure or monitor exposures in critical tasks. They make it possible to document exposure scenarios in the context of technology transfers.
Research laboratory
Research laboratory

The problem of particle inhalation risk in research laboratories is a common one. This is due to the large variety of substances (which change regularly as projects come and go) and the small quantities handled.

Dealing with new substances means less knowledge of the dangers, and as such the safety target is often set at a total absence of exposure. PARTICLEVER technologies make it possible to verify it.

Some particular events or experiences require laboratories to temporarily work with a diminished protection strategy; PARTICLEVER can be used in such cases to verify that exposures remain limited.

Measuring particules has never been so easy!


You lease the equipment…

Ready for use!

PARTICLEVER analyzes the samples

Nano, Fibers, Complex Particles…