Battery manufacturing

Given the strategic challenge that the size and weight of batteries represents, the greater chemical efficiency of nanomaterials means that they are already in common use in this field. Additionally, developments in nanotechnology may represent an important path forward for this sector.
The battery industry therefore faces two different issues: Managing what already exists with respect to new assessments of nano risk, and setting up dedicated strategies for new nanomaterials used in research and development.
Many metals may be used, such as rare metals, hazardous metals (nickel, cadmium, lead), as well as lithium.
Key questions
Containing nanoparticles must be considered to potentially increase their dangerousness. The dangerousness of the analogous substance (i.e. the one not in nano form) must therefore be taken into account to determine the dangerousness of the nano form. This can lead nano forms to having different dangerousness. This principle is included in the international standard ISO/TS 12901-2 “Nanotechnologies - Occupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterials - Part 2: Use of the control banding approach”