
PARTICLEVER technologies help you verify nanometric TiO2 exposures and to document user exposure scenarios.

The most commonly used substance for pollution removal through photocatalysis is nanometric titanium dioxide. If it isn’t nanometric, it won’t be truly effective for photocatalysis.

In accordance with the recommendations of NIOSH (2011) and INRS (2016) and as a result of the likely classification as a suspected carcinogen (class 2) by the ECHA, it is now wise to assess and potentially strengthen TiO2-related prevention strategies, especially if it’s being used in nanoparticulate form for photocatalysis applications.

Key questions

The type of product, the type of application, the nanomaterial’s attachment to the matrix, and the frequency of exposure are some of the factors that may be important in the risk assessment. This remains little-documented and therefore should be measured in order to advance knowledge.

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Nano, Fibers, Complex Particles…